5 Quotes & Sayings By Clement Attlee

Clement Attlee was a British Labour Party statesman who served as the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1945 to 1951 and again from 1955 to 1959. He also led the Labour Party from 1935 to 1935 after winning a leadership election. He successfully negotiated with Winston Churchill, leader of the Conservative Party, for a coalition government to fight the Second World War, and without his leadership, Britain might have been defeated. For this he is often referred to as "The Man Who Won the War". In 1945 he became Prime Minister for a second time Read more

In that post he worked with other leaders in what became known as the "War Cabinet" and was thus able to establish a new relationship between his party and the trade unions, which had been banned from involvement in politics under Conservative rule. He also undertook reforms to build strong homes and communities and expand post-war industry and this was his greatest legacy. After Britain had become an independent nation again in 1948, Attlee became leader of his party and served as prime minister again from 1951 to 1955, then as Deputy Prime Minister until 1959.

He called another general election in 1955, which saw Labour drop back into third place behind the Conservatives despite an anti-politics campaign run by "The Daily Telegraph", which accused Attlee of being "a dictator who wants power for himself." 2. http://www.biography.com/people/clement-attlee-9225094# 3. http://www.biography.com/people/clement-attlee-9225094#bio1 4.

http://www2.lse.ac.uk/collections/lse_online_exhibitions/exhibitions_and_events/this_is_the_attlee_collection/attlee_and_the_postwar_era# 5. http://newsroom.ucla.edu/releases/ucla-releases-publication-of-collection-of-charter-of-rights-by-michael-jacksons-father 6. http://www2.lse.accommodategraphics/downloads/legislature%20of%20united%20kingdom%201940-.pdf 7 .https://www1.lse.accommodategraphics/downloads/legislature%20of%20

The House of Lords is like a glass of champagne that has stood for 5 days. Clement Attlee
I think the British have the distinction above all other nations of being able to put new wine into old bottles without bursting them. Clement Attlee
Winston Churchill - fifty per cent genius fifty per cent bloody fool. Clement Attlee
Democracy means government by discussion, but it is only effective if you can stop people talking. Clement Attlee